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Road Map Jet Coin

Jet Coin Roadmap

2024: Foundation and Initial Launch

Q2 2024: Concept and Development

  • April 2024: Release of the White Paper
  • May 2024: Start of blockchain development for Jet Coin
  • June 2024: Design and development of Jet Coin’s unique features, including mileage earning and private jet booking system

Q3 2024: Early Integration and Marketing

  • July 2024: Launch of the pre-sale and whitelist for early investors
  • August 2024: Integration with major cryptocurrency exchanges
  • September 2024: Initial marketing campaign targeting high-end travel enthusiasts and investors

Q4 2024: Business Partnerships and Expansion

  • October 2024: Establish partnerships with private jet companies and luxury travel agencies
  • November 2024: Launch of the advertising platform on JetCoin.date
  • December 2024: Introduction of Jet Coin bonuses and promotional events

2025: Growth and Development

Q1 2025: Official Launch and Market Expansion

  • January 2025: Official launch of Jet Coin and public trading on major exchanges
  • February 2025: Expansion of marketing efforts to global markets
  • March 2025: Launch of exclusive events for Jet Coin holders

Q2 2025: Enhancements and User Experience

  • April 2025: Release of the Jet Coin mobile app for seamless transactions and bookings
  • May 2025: Enhancement of security features and blockchain technology
  • June 2025: Introduction of additional luxury services and benefits for Jet Coin holders

Q3 2025: Global Reach and Adoption

  • July 2025: Expansion of partnerships with international private jet operators
  • August 2025: Launch of new features for advertising on JetCoin.date
  • September 2025: Introduction of new trading pairs and increased liquidity

Q4 2025: Continuous Improvement and Innovation

  • October 2025: Launch of Jet Coin 2.0 with advanced features and improvements
  • November 2025: Continuous development and implementation of user feedback
  • December 2025: Strategic planning for future developments and expansions

Beyond 2025: Future Developments

2026 and Beyond: Long-term Vision

  • Ongoing: Continuous innovation and enhancement of the Jet Coin ecosystem
  • Future: Expansion into new markets and introduction of additional luxury travel services
  • Sustainable Growth: Ensuring sustainable growth and maintaining a leading position in the luxury travel and cryptocurrency market

Join the Revolution

Invest in Jet Coin and be a part of the future of luxury travel and digital finance. For more information and to stay updated on our progress, visit privatejet.date and follow our social media channels.

Jet Coin – Elevating Your Travel Experience

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